População: 6.700; outros 1000 vivem dentro de um raio de 8 quilômetros da próxima cidade. O povo de Brindol é na maior parte humanos, meio-elfos e anões. A população da cidade aumenta em várias centenas sempre que alguns clãs de halfling conhecidos como “o povo do rio” estão na cidade.
Governo: A cidade tem um conselho, dois terços são proprietários hereditários e o restante são chefes das guildas importantes do comércio da cidade. O Senhor Warden Harrik Orenna é a cara pública do conselho e o comandante da milícia da cidade.
Defesa: A cidade tem 200 soldados sob comando o tempo todo, com aproximadamente um quarto, no dever em qualquer tempo. Em período de crise, o senhor Warden consegue outros 200 soldados bemequipados, mas mal treinados, convocando a milícia. Pensões: Chatrenn e filhos; A porta vermelha; Pensão Avandrian; A seda e a colher; Pensão de Pantashi.
Tavernas: Casa das Cartas de Ilya; A Galera Naufragada; Cleftie; Clube dos Cavalheiros de Brindol; o Papagaio Azul; o Chifre e Espinho.
Principais Guildas: Prospectores; Ferreiros e Fundições; Carroceiros e Ferradores; Tecelões; Barqueiros do Rio (controlado por halflings).
Suprimentos: A Alquimia por Adronsius (atualmente fechada); Braços e Forja de Gavriel; Suprimentos do Staghunter (Caça cervo); Casa de Troca do Alpenglow (Alpes Reluzente).
Templos: Templo de Erathis; Faculdade de Ioun; Santuário do Sol (Pelor); Templo das Cinzas Lunares (Sehanine); Santuário de Bahamut (nenhum clérigo permanente); Santuário da Porta Aberta (Avandra).
Key Sites
1. City Gates: Brindols city gates used to control foot traffic into the city and they serve as garrisons for many of the town guard. It was almost completely destroyed in the final battle with the Red Hand. Large sections of the wall are still intact.
2. The Stone Wyvern: The Stone Wyvern gets its name from the petrified wyvern that dominates the inn's common room. It is said that the wyvern was petrified over a century ago by adventurers who were defending local farmers.
3. Axenhaft Security: Used to be the place to go for hired warriors. Many died in the final battle with the Red Hand. Now it is little more than a hangout for the city militia and other warriors.
4. Shank's Shivs: Widely regarded as the best place to get weapons in all of Brindol.
5. Brindol Market: This large open-air market is where traveling merchants, performance troupes, con artists, street corner prophets, local farmers, and the like come to sell their services and wares.
6. The Thirsty Zombie: The sign above this tavern's entrance depicts a wall-eyed zombie drinking from a cracked tankard. The ale in the tankard pours out of various holes in his neck and torso to pool at his feet, where six drunken rats cavort. The sign is fair warning that this watering hole is not for the cultured and quiet.
7. Red Magic and Sundries: This used to be the home and shop of a very prominet wizard. Rumors say he gave his life fighting valiently in the war. Now relatives continue the business but to a much smaller scale. A good place for rituals and supplies and maybe the rare magic item.
8. Shrine of Shrine of Bahamut: This building used to be a guildhouse in days old. It was burnt badly during the war and now holds a shrine to Bahamut. There is no permanent clergy here.
9. The Craven Raven: The proprietor of this high-class tavern prides himself on providing a clean, sophisticated venue for Brindol's populace to seek entertainment and drink.
10. Velorian's: This large building is Brindol's playhouse, though plays are not the only entertainments offered here.
11. College of Ioun: This two-story building is perhaps the most prestigious place of learning in the entire Elsir Vale.
12. The Laughing Manticore: This building is a combination tavern and brewery. The taproom caters to rich but wild patrons, making it a place where most adventurers feel right at home.
13. Kaal Manor: This richly furnished mansion commands an impressive view of the vale to the east of Brindol. It's primary inhabitant is Lady Verrasa Kaal - a local merchant.
14. Teskerwill Manor: One of the founding families of Brindol dating back to Rhestan days, the Teskerwills live in this sizable mansion.
15. Discreet Departures: Coffin builder.
16. Cathedral Square: This large open square is used for public ceremonies and festivals.
17. Moondust Temple (Sehanine): This is the most distinctive building in Bristol. A massive structure with towers rising well over 100 feet.
18. Brindol Keep: A squat 4 towered keep perched atop the central hill.
19. Haskinar Mansion: The Haskinars are Brindol's least pretentious noble family. The populous Haskinar clan's claim to fame is near-domination of the farming trade. There is a longstanding feud between the Haskinars and the Kaals.
20. Brindol Cemetary: This large compound is surrounded by a low stone wall.
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